With agile methods we connect things to the cloud, giving them attractive functionality by developing electronics and software that meet the end user needs and requirements.
Our Mission
Our mission is to improve peoples lives and make the world a better place by building sustainable connected solutions.

Our Vision
Our vision is that we will become the highest valued IoT development company in Sweden and one of the ten most in Europe.
Our Aspirations
We want to be remembered by our kind, sharing, competent and honest employees who made the end result so successful.

Way of Being
At Vinnter we are kind and honest to each other. It is important to be engaged and committed in whatever we do, since this make our workdays fun. We strive to always increase our competence, which we of course share with others in need of increasing their own competence.
Way of Working
By spending time enough during early and exploratory phases of a development project, we aim to make sure that we understand the actual problem we are to solve. We need to verify that the pain points of the end users are what we are trying to make pleasure points instead.
If all involved aren’t fully in agreement about what the problem is, we enter what we call “the smoke room”, where we try to clear the air and make it obvious what we are to solve.
When we have a hypothesis of the problem we want to iterate through a couple of solution proposals, perhaps as early proof of concepts or prototypes, tested on actual users. This is a well-known methodology called Design Thinking.
Having performed tests on actual users we get to know what actually works and what wows them. Knowing this will give us the right information and starting point to start an agile development project that aim to end up in a to the market released product or service.

Sustainability Promise
Everyone needs to be concerned of the well-being of the Earth and the resources we are to safeguard for the sake of coming generations. In general, the Vinnter promise is to develop efficient systems and solutions. Through smart connectivity solutions we always have sustainability in mind and we believe this will make a difference.
As a rule of thumb, ICT solutions pays off ten times of its footprint in a CO2 perspective. We believe this as well is valid for IoT solutions and the impact they make.
Our profile as a company is that we offer engaged and competent consultants that give our customers added value. We are convinced that engaged individuals are key when it comes to having a sustainability perspective in everything we do. We take this into consideration in our recruiting efforts and look for engagement as a high priority trait in our future employees.
We also promise to educate every employee in sustainability thinking and encourage all to take initiatives and live by these promises in everything we do. No matter where you are or what you do, being a professional or private person.
Decisions to make with respect to sustainability are given in trust to our employees, and we urge our consultants to strive for improvements in every aspect of an IoT development project for the benefit of our customers and the environment.