The Value of Robotic Automation Lies in Reskilling the Workforce

The first robot entered the workplace in 1959, at an automotive die casting plant in Trenton New Jersey. Since then, many other industries such as electrical/electronics, rubber and plastics, pharma, cosmetics, food and beverage, and the metal and machinery industry have accelerated their adoption of robotic automation. By 2017, there were over two million operational […]
Using design thinking when developing IoT solutions

A McKinsey analysis of over 150 use cases estimated that IoT could have an annual economic impact in the $3.9 trillion to $11.1 trillion range by 2025. At the top end, that’s a value equivalent to 11% of the global economy. We believe using design thinking when developing IoT solutions will help us reach financial targets. […]
Access Control & Iot Security: Challenges And Opportunities

IoT, the new attack vector IoT attacks increased by over 217% in 2018. But a report with the provocative title of IoT CyberattacksAre The Norm, The Security Mindset Isn’t found that only 7% of organizations consider themselves equipped to tackle IoT security challenges. If that sounds wanting, consider this: 82% of organizations that develop IoT devices are concerned that […]
From Smart To Helpful – The Next Generation Connected Home

“No one asked for smartness, for the smart home.” That’s the head of Google’s smart home products explaining the company’s decision to focus on delivering a helpful home that provides actual benefits rather than a smart home that showcases technology. This is key; the next generation connected home must provide convenience and actual benefit. Smart home, […]
Evaluating Top Three Iot Platforms against Three Critical IoT-Specific Capabilities

The cloud market is currently dominated by three platforms – Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform – that control nearly 65% of the global market. But as the core cloud computing market matures, new technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and IoT are opening up a new front in a renewed […]
Enterprise IoT: Why Securing IoT Devices Needs to Be the Number One Priority

The number of IoT devices around the world keeps on growing. Globally, there are now more than 26 billion connected devices, according to research from Statista – up from 15 billion in 2015 – with the number projected to rise to over 75 billion by 2025. In 2018, the global IoT market stood at about […]
Making sense of IoT connectivity protocols

IoT, abbreviated from the Internet of Things, refers to a connected system of devices, machines, objects, animals or people with the ability to autonomously communicate across a common network without the need for human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. This relatively recent innovation is already revolutionizing a lot of sectors with its ability to add connected intelligence […]
Choosing a cloud service provider in an evolving marketplace

Last year, Gartner axed 14 cloud vendors from its Magic Quadrant for Cloud IaaS, choosing to focus only on global vendors currently offering, or developing, hyperscale integrated IaaS and PaaS offerings. This bit of spring cleaning left behind a more manageable roster of six companies classified into two distinct segments: the Leaders, comprising Amazon Web […]
The analytical challenges of IoT data

If data is indeed the new oil, then we’re still a long way off from mastering the science of extracting, refining and deploying it as a strategic enterprise asset. That, in short, seems to be the conclusion that emerges from two separate studies. This may come from the analytical challenges that come with IoT data. The […]
Benedikt Ivarsson

Benedikt is a cool, calm and collected superhero coming to Sweden from our neighbour Iceland. He has got extensive experience from a range of different employments and companies and his competence is broad. He is an ambitious and honest leader who is doing everything within his power to achieve a satisfied customer and a job […]